Saturday, March 16, 2013

It's Okay...

God if You say it then it is so.  Say what? Say anything.  This is how I feel and hope you feel too. My heart like many of us, overflows with cares and circumstances.  So much so that my mind doesn't get to process one single thought. No, one thought leads to another thought, to another thought, which leads to an overwhelming feeling and heartache.  Not necessarily because something is gravely bad, but just that it's a lot to bear.

I know better than to think I can sort out everything myself.  I'm not that great. But God!  God can tell me if everything is okay. He can tell me that my husband is doing fine, that my son is just experiencing growing pains, that this is just a sensitive day for my oldest daughter, that it's okay to feel worn out by my youngest two children, that my family will survive this hard time that has befallen us, and that my granddad is flourishing.  Yes, He makes all of that and then some okay.

It's not okay because God has promised this great miracle or that I know some inside secret.  That's not at all the case, but what I know is this.  With God anything is possible. As long as God is with me everything is okay.  So, with all that is on my heart and mind, I lay it at the altar with one simple note... Whatever You decide on each of my situations - if You say it, then it is so.

I truly believe that. It's what makes unbearable things, bearable.  Please remember God is there.  Let Him guide you through.  If you do, I guarantee you'll come out alright.

May God Bless U & Keep U

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