Monday, March 21, 2016

The Perfect Time

I just got home from my daughters' recital and was in my room finally exhaling from all that's on my to do list. No, it's not Friday, it's actually Monday. I know what you're thinking... it's the beginning of the week why am I exhaling like it's over! Right???  Well anyone who has kids, knows that when they finish a big event, in my case the recital, it's like finishing a marathon it doesn't matter what day it is!

Anyway as I was exhaling from being exhausted it dawned on me that it's  Holy Week. Yesterday was the day Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. I immediately felt a shift in my spirit. A reference for this time period. This is the week Jesus decided to die for me. And you too. I think about all that Jesus went through this week, all that He had yet to endure on this Monday so long ago. It brings me to a mind of worship. Worship is all we have to give for a debt we can never repay. Sometimes thinking about Jesus on His last week on Earth makes me sad. I hate what He endured for man. For people that won't love Him back the way He loves us. But thrn, it makes me love Him even harder, press a little longer, and try even more in my walk. 

One of the main things that comes to my mind, is that I imagine there were probably a thousand more things that Jesus could have done before enduring the Cross. More people to heal, more to deliver and set free, another Mary and Martha to visit, another Zachheus in need of guidance. There was definitely more to do. But Jesus went to do the ultimate thing that would save, heal, deliver, and help all of us!  He paid the price for our sins! Jesus accomplished so much in His time on this Earth. He never put off a visit, He never denied His service to those that were sincere. He was a man with the ultimate to do list and that didn't stop Him from taking care of the Father's business.

My point is... don't put off til tomorrow what can be accomplished today. Jesus is the only man on this Earth that never ran out of time. Ever hour and minute of His life was appointed by God. But we in our humaness can and do lose time. We can get so busy with so much stuff that what needs to be done goes undone. Keep the main thing, the main thing. Jesus gave us priority, we should surely do the same. Take this week to meditate on the Word, talk to God. Tell Him thank you for His Son and the price that was paid on Calvary just for you.

God Bless U

***the beginning of Holy Week starts with Palm Sunday.  You can read the account starting at Matthew 21:1

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Faith in Action

Struggles come to wear us down and to make us feel like all hope is gone.  Whether your struggle is with your family, on your job, bills, school, health, physical challenges, or anything else. I want to encourage you that your breakthrough has to be steeped in hope!

Hope is faith in action.  Think about this... have you been out in public and watched a kid get excited about something, then run over to their parent jumping up and down asking can they have whatever it is?  That's the concept of faith in action. Hope!  The kid believes the parent will get them what they want, so they are actively anticipating receiving it. That's HOPE!

The key to overcoming those struggles that come to weigh you down, throw you off course, and remove you from your destiny is your faith in action. The Word tells us Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy. That's true, he comes to kill your dreams, steal your joy, and destroy your hope. Don't let him!  You have the power to overcome every obstacle that gets in your way!  Just don't lose hope!

In this world we are taught to be critical and doubt everything. That is the enemy's biggest trick. Unbelief will, can, and tries to take everything from its victim.  Have you ever met a person that just didn't believe anything. Couldn't take your word for nothing. You could say " it's such a nice day outside". But before you can form your next sentence they replied " I don't know, it looks like rain to me"! Unbelief is miserable.  And it keeps the company of hurt, pain, and deceit.

But Hope!  Hope opens doors. Hope brings life. It brings fullness of joy. With hope you are an overcomer! You're more than a conquer! 

Now don't just hope for anything!  And hope isn't about wants. You can hope for a fancy red car, but that won't bring you life. Lol. No, what you hope for is Jesus. Everything is found in Him! When we have faith in God, and we put that faith into action and place our hope in all that He is, all that He has for us, and who we can become in Him our situations start to change. Our struggles don't have the same hold on us as before.  We come to understand that He supplies everything that we need and we can turn that struggle over to Him. After all there is nothing too big for God. Unbelief binds, but Jesus frees!

I dare you to hope. I dare you to try God at His Word. I promise if you do, you'll never be the same again. All it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed, and God will respond with a whole orchard worth of love and power!  Put your faith in action, and let the hope flow!  He's waiting.

~God Bless U