Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Everyday Opportunities

I often struggle with what is profitable to blog. I never want to just write for the sake of publishing a post, or throw something together. I always look to be found downloading from heaven. Not my will, but God's will be done. 

Just this morning I realized God's not going to say write this especially for All things by Prayer! When He told me to start this blog he made it real clear that this would be a journey for those that come across it and for me. It would be my experiences, steeped in scripture that would provide the context for this blog. Thank you Jesus, for insight, for settling me down to receive and be reminded of your purpose. I thank you for the opportunity to share your Word and spread the Truth!  Amen.

Be encouraged man, woman, or child that has come to read this. The lesson:  God's not always going to show you the grand purpose of things. Some things He calls you to do may even seem small and useless against this great big world.  But be encouraged to just play your part! He knows better, and has better than what we can ever imagine.  Just ask Naaman (2 Kings 5)!

Do it, not because it makes you happy, or brings you glory, nor because it's popular, nor easy.  Do as God has instructed because He said so. There is no better reward, nor is there a better place to be than in God's Will.  I look forward to sharing the small, everyday things with you for both of our growths.  After all this is "ALL Things"! 

~God Bless

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Catching up!

So I wrote this post about 2 days ago, but I was so bummed because I accidentally deleted it! I was catching up with you all in telling you about the awesome time that my congregation and I had at the first nursing home visit that we went to. Thank God the disappointment is behind me and now I'm going to attempt to share with you again.

So, this last month has been so very busy which is why I haven't posted as much as I would have liked. Number one on my list has been the nursing home ministry! My congregation and I went to our first nursing home visit to encourage the residents and to encouragethe staff in the faith. I have to say I was very nervous and just hoping to be a good ambassador for Christ. I did not want to fail in the task that He put before me. What I came to find is that not only was it rewarding and a great experience, but that I learned so much about ministry. Ministry is a two way street, you give and you take.  As much as I went to encourage, I have to say I left more encouraged by them. The residents and staff there were so receptive, and so happy to see us come, that we couldn't help but leave their rejoicing and thanking God for the visit!

Though I've had many things on my plate this month I must say I'm so grateful to be a part of House of Deliverance's Helping Hands Ministry and the work we're doing with the nursing home. I want to encourage all of you to go to your local nursing homes, your coordinated care facilities, and/or your rehab facilities to encourage the people that are there in the faith. I believe God's going to show you what a difference your presence can make!

Deuteronomy 15:11 ~ "For  there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you,  ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land."

~God Bless

Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Lonely Place

Sometimes in life no matter how many friends,  family members,  team members,  fellow enthusiasts, etc. we have, we find ourselves with feelings of loneliness.  We feel like no one understands, no one can relate,  and they don't really get where we're coming from.  Logic tells us that these are not healthy feelings,  that we may be suffering from a condition.  That we should reach out to others more,  join groups and things like that.  

I would like to present to you the other side of the same coin.  Loneliness in this sense,  is a good place. I'm not speaking from a medical standpoint,  if you suffer from these feelings all the time I urge and encourage you to contact a doctor, friends,  family, and even a Co worker for help.

No, I'm talking to those in Christ that find themselves weary, tired,  and downcast because the load had gotten to heavy and the feelings of loneliness kicks in.  Back to side #2 of the coin!  At these times,  we have the perfect opportunity to call on Jesus.  It is my thought that these are the times that God  gives us the chance to see that it's not us walking alone,  but Him that has silently kept the way all this time.   Don't call Him a burden barer,  then carry it yourself. We have an advocate with the Father,  who is always there to help carry the load.

Not only that, but it's in the Lonely Place that He shows just how not alone we are.  When Elijah was in the cave,  God sustained him, strengthened him, grew him,  and prepared him for the work to come.  That represented the Lonely Place for Elijah. When Saul who became Paul was blind for three days,  that represented the Lonely Place for him and some transitioning took place.   There are other instances also,  Jonah in the belly of the whale,  Job, Abraham on the walk up the mountain with Isaac, Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.  All Lonely Places!!!  Now the common thread throughout all of these instances... wait for it... wait for it... God Was There The Whole Time!

He was doing a new thing, deepening relationship, building trust between Himself and His child.  That's the same thing He can and wants to do for us.  Next time your feeling lonely,  present yourself to God.  Answer as Samuel did, Here I Am!  And let God  do what He wants to do for you.  the Word says "For my yoke is easy and my burdens are light..."(Matthew 11:30) Jesus can be all that you need. All you have to do is ask.

~God Bless

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Quotes to Ponder

Prayer changes you, not God. You tap into His goodness and His Will for you.  You began to glimpse the plan He has for you instead of seeking self!  Awesome... Thanks C.S. Lewis

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Pray about Everything, All the time!

Prayer is always right. Some people look at prayer like some big colossal thing that people who are religious do. That's not true. Prayer on its most basic level is communication with God. So in essence communicating with God is always right!

The Word says through prayer and supplication let your requests be made known unto God. The Word also says we should always pray. I believe that's because God wants us to stay in constant communication with him. No matter what we do, no matter what we try, even when we miss the mark, as long as we communicate with God we can't go wrong.

"Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up."
    ~Luke 18:1

Jesus is always and forever will be our greatest example. He told the disciples we should always pray. We also see that He stayed in constant prayer (communication) with God. I know everyone is probably familiar with WWJD, What Would Jesus Do. I know it sounds corny, but really and truly if you just ask yourself, you'll probably come up with the answer... Jesus would most likely pray before doing anything else. 

So I encourage you to be like Jesus,  Pray Always!

~God Bless

Thursday, September 3, 2015

All Things by Prayer

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
     ~Philippians 4:6 (NIV)

We should pray about everything!  No matter what it is, from the smallest to the biggest things just ask God about it and see what a difference it makes.  You will be surprised at how much God wants to help out in the everyday things we deal with. 

Input from God is essential in the believer's life. Just as a child depends on a parent for direction, to guide them, feed them, clothe them; we should depend on God for the same thing!  God can help you choose the right class for school, the right route to work, the best dinner for your family, and even the best way to spend a relaxing moment. All you have to do is ask in prayer!  

~God Bless