Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I would like to welcome you to All Things by Prayer!  I look forward to sharing the Word of God with you, helping to bring you into the full knowledge of Christ, and all out lifting up the Name of Jesus! 

I believe the Word of God is a Word of simplicity meant to help and not hinder our lives. The key to a healthy life is a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  As I share with you the Gospel of Christ I want to ensure you that your spiritual life will not only flourish but grow.  I believe God inspired me to name this blog All Things by Prayer because prayer is the foundation of a great relationship with God.  It's how we intimately communicate with Him and one of the ways He communicates with us. 

I will share my experiences, family, revelations, and thoughts with you.  I pray you will do the same.  I believe there is something for everyone here. The believer, the nonbeliever, one that is searching, the saint, the sanctified, the sinner, those that are in leadership, and the lay persons. 

God has a Word for all of us, and most times it's not by what comes out of our mouths, but by experiences and being examples to others.   Join me as I work out my own soul salvation with fear and trembling, as I praise God, as I lift up my hands in worship, and as I myself grow in the Lord.

I have put my hand to the plow.  I won't let go and I"m not looking back!
 (see Luke 9:62)

~God Bless You


  1. Confirmation for me...no looking back, thank you Lord

  2. Thank you Lord for the confirmation this morning. I have a made up mind to serve You....No letting go or looking back! AMEN!

  3. Lot’s wife did look back and was turned to a pillar of salt. Jesus warned His followers that when He returns to earth He will come suddenly. We have to live in anticipation of Christ’s return because we don’t know when it will happen. We can’t be watching for Jesus if we are looking back and caught up in our old sinful life.
    In Luke 17:32, Jesus said, “Remember Lot’s wife.” If we remember Lot’s wife we won’t look back! That is our warning.

  4. That's right Pastor Sheppard! Exactly my point, great example of how the Word of God provides good directions for us.


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