What are you?... I truly can't get over when people ask me that question. And it all together saddens me. In other words they're saying; "what is the difference between us. What do or don't we have in common. Are you a Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Apostolic, Pentecostal, COGIC, etc?" My question to them is why? Why does it even matter to you? Will it make you like or love me any less? Or will you decide depending on my answer if I truly love the Lord, if I have enough faith, if I'm real enough, or if you will ever speak to me again?
I know this isn't a popular topic and many will disagree with me. I'm okay with that though. I am ready to cut beyond the religious tape and get to the meat and potatoes of things. I don't and I'm sure others don't need the extra. Our plate is full. We are mothers, wives, daughters, workers, coaches, husbands, brothers fathers and christians, among the many other hats we wear. I don't need to have one more title put on me. I don't believe the christian organization determines right or wrong. ( I am not venturing into Catholisism, Scientology, Muslims, Mormanism, or those others.) Iwant to be clear that I am only speaking about the organizations that cosider Jesus Christ in His full Glory their core belief system. I consider those, different sections of the body of Christ. We all have one thing in common for sure and I'm sure if you look deep enough a few others also; we love God, we believe that Jesus came and died for our sins, that He is the son of God and that through Him we can obtain eternal salvation.
I don't discount the ways of any of the bodies of Christ listed above. But my thought is this; know that we are all part of the body and our congregations and those identical to us don't make up the body as a whole. In other words, one organizations ways are not the only way to go. (whew, I'm in trouble now!, lol) Are there some very distinct core things you should have under your belt? Yes, there is. But what religious organization you belong to is not one of them.
Here is my point. The word of God says in 1 Corinthians 12: 12-14:
Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free —and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. (NIV)
For the sake of a mental picture imagine this. A picture of a body , I call it Christian. As I start to name my body parts I start with the Head. I name is Jesus Christ, because the word says He is our head. But then I label my left hand - baptist, and my my other hand -apostolic, and my right foot -cogic, and my left foot - methodist, and so on and so on. We are all one body under the head of Christ, just different parts.
And I believe that is okay. I have sat under some of these organizations and I find for the most part no fault with any of them. Except some in the faith have no tolerance for other organizations that differ in doctrines. We should have but one doctrine, and that is the doctrine of Christ. Love, charity, patience, peace, long suffering, righteousness, holiness, sanctification all under our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Those should be the things we live by. The word of God is true and I believe God never intended us to be so separate in our thinking.
So where do I stand? I stand with my feet firmly planted in Jesus. I do believe in the Apostolic way, the way the apostles went and the very words in the book of Acts. I also believe the Methodist. There is a method to the Christian life, you can not come to God any kind of way. I also believe in the Baptist. If Jesus was baptized before the people as an outward show of His devotion to the Heavenly Father, then who are we to disagree. And so on with the other organizations. But that is as far as I go.
It doesn't matter to me the doctrine and dogma of others as long as the core principles line up with the Word of God. We need to have one very important thing in common, no wavering, and no variances: Jesus Christ! Not that He was just a prophet, or a very important historical figure, or that He is one of many gods. But that He is the Savior of this world. That He died on Calvary's Cross. That He Was, and Is, and Is to Come. That He is the One True Living God. That He sits at the right hand of the Father interceding for us, and that He will one day come again and we will reign with Him in Heaven. That is what I'm about. I mean people that mean Jesus. And if we have that in common, then God can work out everything else.
I pray this has helped someone. Let's not get caught up in religion and tradition as the Pharisees and Sadducees did in the days of Jesus. People are hurting and they are in need of a Savior not our own opinions and doctrines. We are to introduce them to Jesus and preach the Good News. He is the only one that can clean us up and put us on the right path. I would sit with any one of the Christian organizations as long as they had a good solid foundation and the true Word of God was going forth. That's all it takes. But, I am not a babe in Christ and I can rightly divide the Word for myself. Many can't and are unsure and don't know which way to go. Help them go the way God planned, not how we think they should go. I have seen people not fellowship or speak to others because they differed in organizations. But that is wrong, and a trick of the enemy to keep us divided.
The above scripture goes on to talk about the members of the body not being fully functional if it was all the same. This is true for us too. We may be different parts but we are one body with one Head, again that is Jesus. When someone asks you that question; What are you? Your answer should be, A follower of Christ. That is enough!
I pray no one is offended and that my words and thoughts are received in love. That I am a helper to my bretheren. God Bless you.
I completely agree if we are all God's people then we should be just that...God's people we went wrong when people started segregating into the different "brands" of believers. Keep it the way God and I am speaking of the one true God and the holy trinity, yes the holy trinity, instructed us to do and that is to love him and him only!