All is a very strong word that is often discounted because we use it so much. But all, trully means all. All means everything, nothing left out, in its entirety. So, when I started this blog I thought it was more about the people than it was about me. God gave the inspiration for the name, I truly did nothing on my own accord. As the Lord said start the blog I expected it to take off, have all these comments, and really start some meaningful dialogue with people like myself. But as of today, though I see a few have come through the site, it is only my faithful husband that has subscribed and regularly comments.
As I have inquired of the Lord or even taken time to think about this I keep hearing the Holy Spirit say just be obedient, worry about nothing else. So, as I take those words and process them I realize that not only is this blog for the people but it is as much for me also. I'm included in the "all things" part. How awesome is that! It is through the test and trials and our obedience that we learn the most from God. Nobody may ever come and regularly visit this blog, but I would have done just what God told me to do. It still doesn't take away from the fact that He's teaching me to listen to His voice. To heed His commands and to trust Him in "all things". If this blog is just to minister to myself and the few that may trickle in from time to time then to God be the Glory! The Word of God is good and it is right. And it doesn't return to Him void, so I will continue to put it out knowing it will accomplish what it set out to do.
God bless you, I plan to do nothing but watch some movies today and take a bit of a break. I gave my plans on the first blog I started. Feel free to visit that one too.
I enjoyed the blog.... I didn't realize you had been writing on a regular I will check back for more readings.