Yes, there truly is!
Praise can overcome a multitude of defeats. When you are feeling down, tired, confused, or out of it, praise is what will get you through. We have to learn to give place to the joyous and prosperous things of the Kingdom. God did not give us these tools for nothing. He has provided a way of escape for us, we just have to be wise enough to take it.
Don't think your issue or situation is too insignificant to pull out the pig guns. Nothing is to small for praise. The bible says, "Let everything that has breath, praise ye the Lord"(Ps 150:6). We would do well to add on and say, Let everything that has breath praise ye the Lord about everything"!
We should praise God for waking up, for a bright new day, for the clothes we put on, for the car we drive, for limbs to walk, for the job, for the kids, for the hardships that come to make us stronger, for the finances, for keeping us from saying wrong things, for giving us the right words, for getting us to our destinations safely, for the friendly people we encounter throughout the day, for the peace at lunch time, for the workout He allowed you to partake in, for the bible study, for the pastor, for the church, for your siblings, for your parents, for divine thoughts, for amazing ideas, praise Him because He is present.
Do you get where I'm going with this? I could have filled the page with reasons to praise God, but I would need a lot more pages. Notice I did not say praise Him for the siblings that treat you so good, or for the job that you love. No, don't let your praise be contingent on how you feel or perceive something. A situation can be going all wrong and you should praise. Why??? Because praise brings the victory!
I have been in some dire situations and things were not looking good. It wasn't until I begin to praise God because of who He is that things started to turn around. I was able to conquer the unconquerable. There is victory in your praise. I dare you to try God today. Begin to apply praise to your life. If you are home stop right there and just tell God thank you. Tell Him He's everything to you, more than you could ever hope for, more than you deserve and for that you are thankful. If you are at work, go to the restroom or step outside and give God a praise.
You can even praise Him in your silence. God looks at the heart, the inward parts. Even if your mouth can't move, just think praise and watch how God turns your life around. Praise brings the victory.
Oh taste and see that the Lord is good! (Ps 34.8) Shout unto God with the voice of triumph (Ps 47.1), great is the Lord and most worthy of praise (Ps 145:3)!
~God Bless U