Thursday, October 20, 2016

In the Paths of God

Good morning!  I pray all is going well with you today and if it's not I pray God's grace and mercy upon you right now.  (Agree with me in Jesus Name, Amen.)  I was praying this morning and I want to share with you one of the last parts of my prayer.  My words to God was "let me walk safely in your paths".  Right then and there I received a revelation that God has a path He has set out just for us.  we all know that we have individual walks, but did you ever think God has some avenues He has set up just for us to walk down.  For instance, we may be believing God for the better job. But what if you get the job offer and God tells you to stay where you are?  It seems you should take the "better job", but what if God is saying He has a work for you to do right where you are and the real "better: is coming later!  Or perhaps you think you should do a certain thing, but God nudges you in a different direction.  Because He knows what's best for us, and how our tomorrows will work out while we are still dealing with our yesterdays, we have to trust Him and the paths He has for us. Your path is not mine, and mine isn't yours. We may cross each other's paths from time to time, they may even run parallel for a season or even a lifetime, but these paths are just for you and the Father. The bible has much to say about our paths.  One scripture says,

 "Watch the path of your feet And all your ways will be established."  Proverbs 4:26

another says,

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" Psalms 119:105

There are many roads that lead to a lot of places, but the safest and most prosperous one is the one God Himself puts you on.  I encourage all of you to stop and say a quick prayer right now, and simply ask God to direct you in HIS paths.

God Bless U

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