Happy New Year All!!!
With the arrival of the New Year we have an opportunity. We can decide to do it better this time. What is "it"? Whatever you feel can be done better than you did it before. In my case, "it" to me is everything! I plan to do a lot of things better. I endeavor to be a better wife, mother, friend, sister, laborer, minister, etc.
There is no need for new years resolutions, when God gives you a new mercy every morning. What the new year brings is an opportunity to mark a reference point on your progress chart. You have the opportunity to look back on 2015 and assess where you've been, what you've done, how you've grown, and the areas that could use more growth. The important thing, is that you are continually growing in Jesus.
A great scripture to meditate on is Luke 22:42.
"Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done."
In this passage Jesus is praying to God about the gigantic task before Him... the Cross. Though He is completely divine, His human nature doesn't want to have to go through the devastation, pain, and turmoil He's about to endure on humanity's behalf. He prays about it, asking to be relieved, but in the end He boldy and bravely proclaims (*one of my favorite references and mantras of scripture) Nevertheless!!! Not my will but your will be done!
How awesome, how glorious, and what an example! Jesus, knew that He was the only One that was fit for the job. So, though He, like any other person, would have rather not had to go through the unthinkable, He was so devoted to God that He
forsook what He most wanted and desired for what God wanted. This is the same kind of devotion we should be pressing toward!
And then comes the reward...
When you reevaluate and start to pinpoint the areas to grow in, God is pleased. The Word of God says He's a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). When we try harder in God, He helps us and rewards us for our diligence. Looking back on my own list, I've found that the greatest reward is realizing that I'm not the person I used to be. It signifies that I'm getting closer to the person God has called me to be.
May 2016 bring you closer to who God had called you to be, to who and what He has called you to, and from what He had called you from!
~GOD Bless U
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