Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The God of the Do-Overs

Are you in need of a do-over?

How about a do-over of the do-over???

Well thank goodness we have an advocate with the Father that knows we not gonna get it right 100% of the time.  He knows we won't get it right not even 75% of the time. So our Father, the God that loves us as His own, gives us renewed mercies and a second chance.  Sometimes a third, and fourth chance too!

I found myself in need of a do-over and to be honest it wasn't my first. The enemy tried to make me feel bad, like a failure, like God would be too disappointed in me to help me.  But Satan is a liar, the bible calls him the father of lies. The God that we serve is faithful.  He knows that we won't get it right all the times, its one of the reasons we get a new mercy every morning (Lamentations 3:23).  I have to admit I let the devil talk for a while, so much so that I started to feel physically sick.  Then I was reminded of Ephesians 6, where it tells us to take on the whole armor of God.  Our Father has given us provisions to help protect us from the lies and darts of the enemy, we have to use them.

When life starts screaming at you, we have to learn not to scream back, but to take the authority we have in Jesus and make it sit down and get it together.  If you need a second chance to do it right, take it.  God didn't renew mercy in the morning for nothing.  He is not the out of luck God.  He is not the too bad, so sad God.  And he's definitely not the too little too late God.  He is Merciful, Compassionate, our Helper!  He is the abundance God.  Everything about Him is abundance and all that are in Him enjoy abundance.  So I encourage you to take your inheritance.  Live the life God has planned for you, and if you loose your way remember there is no condemnation in Christ.  All you have to do is repent, ask for forgiveness (1 John 1:9) and that grace and mercy is sure to come your way.

God Bless U