Monday, September 26, 2016

When To Do is Too Much

Did you know that when you get overwhelmed because you have so much to do the vest thing to do is nothing?  I'm not saying be lazy and ignore your responsibilities, I'm saying stop what you are doing, breathe, regroup, harness some strength for the task ahead.  The scripture tells us to be anxious for nothing.  it then goes on to say that with prayer and supplication let your request be made known unto God through prayer and supplication. 

I have found myself overwhelmed with "to dos" today.  So much so, that to think about it puts me into a bad head space.  So I decided to stop and share with you, now I'm going to take my to dos to my Father, ask him for the strength, grace, and mercy that is required to be successful in this season, and then I'm going to sit and take a moment o myself before I get started. 

Be encouraged that GOD is able, even when we are not.

God Bless U

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Don't Use God

As a pastor I'm often saddened when people have expectations of God, but expect Him to have no expectation of them.  He's no short order cook, this is not Burger King, no you can not have it your way. It's His way and there is an order to His Kingdom. 

Often people expect God to work a miracle and then allow them to go on about their business. But when you call on God you are calling on all existence. You are calling on Time and asking that He stop and take notice, it's not to be taken lightly. You have to do your part. You have to take care of His business, as He takes care of yours.  If you won't show up for God, know that He did not fail you when He doesn't show up in the place you have summoned Him. His perceived absence IS your answer.

Let's all take a look at our spiritual life road maps. How far have you traveled? How long have you been on the road?  How many mountains and valleys have you conquered? Where are you headed? And most importantly Who is your travel companion???

God is faithful to His children. We need to make sure that despite what is going on in our lives that we are and remain faithful to Him.

God Bless U