"The race is not given to the swift nor the strong but he who endures until the end."
God would not admonish us to have endurance if we didn't need it. He doesn't want us to give up! If you just hold on a little longer, the blessing of the Lord is sure to overtake you.
Here's what I want to share with you today. Do you know that the enemy gets busier as you get closer to God and what He has for you? His number one priority is to keep you from getting there. He wants to keep you depressed, oppressed, discouraged, downtrodden, impoverished, and useless. This keeps you from realizing who you are in Christ, who you are to God, and who God is to you. Don't let him win. Keep fighting! Keep believing! Keep striving! Don't give up!!!
Think of what would have happened if Abraham had given up, or King David, or Elijah, or most of all Jesus. But they did not. Jesus did not throw the baby out with the bath water, He suffered and endured for us. As a matter of fact, He did it just for YOU! So I encourage you to endure the sufferings and persecutions a little longer. Withstand the attacks of the enemy. The Apostle Paul said "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us", in Romans 8:18. In other words nothing can compare to what God has coming up for you. Believe that, stand on that, proclaim that, and don't give up!